The GlassTrend organisation is a consortium of worldwide operating industries and institutes working in the field of glass and glass production. The name GlassTrend is an acronym of Glass Technology Research & New Developments and the association aims to co-ordinate research and development activities to improve the competitive strength of glass industries, its suppliers and customers.
The purpose of GlassTrend is to identify the needs and requirements for improved and innovative production technologies for the whole glass industry in the broadest sense and to define and coordinate research and development activities which fulfil these requirements.
GlassTrend strives to make basic/fundamental knowledge related to glass science and glass technology accessible for the industries and to derive from this basic knowledge, innovative technologies applicable in industry and to find practical & feasible solutions for production & glass quality problems.
Main topics of interest : Glass Melting and Furnace Technology, Application & Glass Processing.
GlassTrend was founded in the summer of 2001. The membership is currently 54 companies (2019). Amongst these members are the world’s main glass industries, producing domestic glass, container glass, flat glass, speciality glasses, fibre glasses and insulation wool; suppliers of raw materials, refractory materials and industrial gases; research and technology groups and glass furnace design/engineering companies. Each member company is represented in the GlassTrend Council.
The annual membership fee is 4500 EURO/year per company.
GlassTrend organizes workshops or seminars such as 2-days topical workshops two or three times a year. Some seminars or conferences are organized with other established institutions, such as the German Glass Society (DGG), International Commission on Glass, Association of Italian Glass Technologists (ATIV), Glass Manufacturing Industry Council in USA (GMIC).
The GlassTrend member companies are represented in the Council, which meets twice a year. The Council determines the focus of subjects, activities and events, such as the annual agenda of seminars, conferences, courses and selection of R&D projects. The GlassTrend Council members are asked to complete questionnaires each 3 years to investigate the needs for R&D and topics for seminars and education.
The rules and regulations regarding the organization and activities of GlassTrend are laid down in the so-called ‘General conditions of the consortium GlassTrend’ last updated in April 2010. Subsequently, GlassTrend decided to create an Association. The accompanying Articles of Association are available to members >
Two of the key tasks of the GlassTrend Board are to organize the GlassTrend events and to define GlassTrend R&D projects.
It is essential to be connected closely to the various glass applications to be able to spot new challenges for the glass industry early. Therefore specific ‘ambassador’ roles for GlassTrend Board members have been defined. These consist of ambassadors for float glass, container glass and specialty glass.
As a significant proportion of GlassTrend members are suppliers to the glass industry, a ‘supplier ambassador’ has also been designated. Furthermore, regional ambassador roles have been created covering the USA, Europe and Asia to reach out better to initiatives and organizations in these regions.
The members of the GlassTrend Board represent an enormous level of experience in the field of glass production and applied research and development. This enables GlassTrend to address the right topics for knowledge sharing and build-up, both from the perspective of short-term process improvement and medium- to long-term innovations guiding us towards sustainable glass manufacturing.
The GlassTrend Board also covers the various glass types, each with their specific needs and challenges. The intrinsic love for glass of all Board members creates a highly motivated group, willing to learn from each other and eager to find solutions for the key challenges faced by the glass industry.
GlassTrend Board
Specialty glass & ICG-ambassador